Regular Activities

SundayWorship Service10.30amWeekly
 Adventurers (Activities for children and young people10.30amWeekly
 CoffeeAfter morning serviceWeekly
 Fairtrade stall Normally 3rd Sunday of month
 Evening Prayer on zoom7pmWeekly
MondayClothing bank open for donations2-3.30pmWeekly
 Folk Dancing2-4pmWeekly
 Wesley Club7pmWeekly
TuesdayFaith and Fellowship10-11.30pmIn blocks of 5-6weeks
 Craft Group2-4pmWeekly
WednesdaySunbeams Parent & Toddler group10-11.30amWeekly during school terms
ThursdayMid-week Communion Service10.30amNormally 3rd week of month
FridayCover to Cover10amNormally 1st week of month
SaturdayCoffee Morning10-12noon1st Saturday of month
 Green Friends10.30-12noon2nd Saturday of month
 UCS gets Messy2.30-4pmNormally 3rd Saturday of month


Other Regular activities include:

Faith and Fellowship meeting in blocks of 3-6 weeks on Tuesday mornings  for biblical studies and other Christian studies.  See magazine for details.

Green Friends – raising awareness about eco issues and encouraging practical action

Folk Dancing – gentle dancing, great fun, no experience necessary

Wesley Club – a speaker or activity, good company and a cuppa

Madcaps- Amateur dramatics (for acting enthusiasts 16-106)

Craft Group – banners and craft-making

Cover to Cover – discussing books

Young Peoples’ Fellowship – occasional meetings and pizza

Monthly Saturday morning coffee mornings – good company and in support of various charities

Other activities taking place on the premises:

Hosting Clothing Bank which supplies for asylum seekers and refugees

Hosting Talking Magazine

Gower Society Folk Dancing – gentle dancing, great fun, no experience necessary

Prayer Meeting for Swansea Prison Fellowship

Swansea Carers Group

Swansea Writing Circle Poetry Group

University of the Third Age (U3A) Family History, Armchair travel and Maths for the terrified