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Craft Sale and Coffee Morning Saturday 5...

Craft Sale and Coffee Morning on Saturday 5th November 2016. 10am – 12 noon. Proceeds for Church Funds. This event raised over £650 Some of the items for sale   The Commemorative mugs for sale. To mark the joining of Sketty Methodist Church and Bethel URC to become an Ecumenical partnership Uniting Church Sketty.

‘Songs from the Shows’ Friday 8th July 2

‘Songs from the Shows’ Friday 8th July 2016

On Friday 8th July at 7.30pm Abbey Players are presenting ‘Songs from the Shows’ in the Methodist Church building. Dillwen Road, Sketty. Tickets £5 either at door or reserve by emailing Proceeds 50% for Abbey Players and 50% for Zambuko ra Jehovah, Aids orphans in Zambarwe.

Sunday 8th November 2015 ‘Remembering th

Sunday 8th November 2015 ‘Remembering those we have loved’.

In the evening service of 8th November 2015 we remembered those we had loved.    This was the poppies on the font There were 4 different prayer stations  This used the children’s short story of Water bugs and dragonflies to explain death to children. Prayer Action was to colour the dragonfly. As you do so […]

Flower Festival 29th May 2015 – 31st May

Flower Festival 29th May 2015 – 31st May 2015

A Flower Festival held on 29th May-31st May 2015 to celebrate the formal joining of Bethel United Reformed Church and Sketty Methodist Church to become Uniting Church Sketty. Some of the 13floral displays     The Parable of the Prodigal Son            The Nativity The Crucifixion/Resurrection The Sermon on the Mount