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Rev Kim Fabricius’ Funeral Wednesday 25t

Rev Kim Fabricius’ Funeral will be held on Wednesday 25th July 2018 at Uniting Church Sketty, Dillwyn Road, Sketty at 10.30am and at Morriston Crematorium at 12.30pm. We anticipate a large number of people may wish to attend and parking could be difficult. Extra parking has been made available that morning at the Bethel Building, […]

Coffee Morning Saturday 7th July 2018 10...

Coffee Morning on Saturday 7th July 2018 10am-12noon, Proceeds for Swansea and Gower Methodist Church’s Circuit Project Ogof Adullum which provide a ‘place of refuge’ to individuals experiencing homelessness, alcohol and drug addiction and a point of contact for prison leavers and asylum seekers.

Friday 18th May 2018 Murder Mystery Even...

On Friday 18th May 2018 6.30pm for 7pm at the Uniting Church Sketty (UCS) Bethel Building held a Murder Mystery Evening set on Calypso Island. The evening included a dinner. Tickets £10, proceeds to UCS benevolent/discretionary fund. Male guests were invited to wear their most colourful shirts and ladies their most colourful outfits.

Saturday 2nd December 2017 Coffee Mornin...

On Saturday 2nd December 2017 10am-12 noon there was a coffee morning, which  included traidcraft stalls  and cake stall. Money raised will go to Traidcraft for their work. There will also be a stall collecting old and broken jewellery to send to traidcraft for them to use to raise funds for their work. A small […]

Harvest Festival and Hunger Lunch Sunday...

On Sunday October 15th 2017 there was a Harvest Festival Service at 10.30am, where dried and packet foods were brought and after the service given to the local Food Bank. After the morning festival there was a hunger lunch and donations were given to Commitment For Life which this year we are looking at work […]

Saturday 7th October 2017 Coffee Morning...

On Saturday 7th October 2017 10am-12 noon Coffee Morning with Stalls for Samaritan’s Purse Charity Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box appeal to send overseas shoe boxes filled with presents to children for Christmas.  Over £443.94 was raised for this charity Display board giving information about Operation Christmas Child One of the stalls selling items to […]

Church Family Day Sunday 20th August 201...

This is the Church’s first Family Day. Bring a Friend! Come and have fun with us. Sunday 20th August. Dip in and out as suits you. Timetable 10.30am Breakout Church 1pm Bring Picnic and we will go to Singleton Park, weather permitting. Fun all age activities (eg quoits, giant snakes and ladders ets) 3pm Back […]

Toilet Twinning

Our young people have been involved in a toilet twinning project twinning toilets here with ones over seas. For their latest effort of twinning they twinned a school toilet block in Zambia. They did a sponsored bike ride on 7th July to raise more money to twin toilets.

Monday 17th July 2017 Illustrated talk o...

On Monday, 17th July at 7pm in the Wesley Room, Ian Ledgard presented an illustrated talk on his trip to the Holy Land.  Ian Ledgard is the Treasurer of the URC Community Development Project and his illustrated talk was about his visit to Jerusalem and the Holy Land. He does not charge a fee, but  […]

Toilet Twinning

Our young people are organizing fund raising to twin toilets of our church with toilets in less developed countries. At present they have raised enough money by cake sales and sales of Christmas decorations to twin two of our toilets. To continue their fund raising they had people guess how many balloons would fit in […]

Easter Sunday 16th April

Easter Sunday services was at 10.30 am when Holy Communion was celebrated and the evening service was 6.30pm. All were Welcome The area in front of the pulpit had the scene shown on Good Friday was transformed with Tea lights and flowers. The tombs stone was rolled away and inside was a candle. In the […]

13th April Maundy Thursday Communion 7.3...

Maundy Thursday Communion 7.30pm. A service with a difference, starting in joy as we recall the celebration of the Passover. Continuing in remembrance as we recall how the Passover was for Jesus, the Last Supper he shared with his disciples and how he washed their feet as an act of service. We finish in silence […]

Quiz Night and Buffet 27th March 2017 at...

A Quiz Night and Buffet was held at the Mumbai Indian Restaurant, Mill Lane, Blackpill, Swansea Monday 27th March 2017. Ticket proceeds were for Church Funds. A great night was had by 64 people who attended. Our thanks to Ian, our Question Master, Judith his helper and the Mumbai Restaurant for making it such a […]

Coffee Morning 4th February 2017 10am-12...

 This Coffee Morning on Saturday 4th February 2017 10am-12noon. helped raise funds to support the URC Swansea Region “Churches-in-Community” Project. The morning raised £280. This Project is based mainly on a wide range of Community Development Activities carried out in the URC churches at ChristWell, Carmarthen Road and Gowerton. These activities include: (i) “The Memories […]

Christmas Eve 3pm and 11.30pm Services

On Christmas Eve at 3pm:  Ready, Steady Christmas Service If you aren’t able to come to the later Christmas Communion, then come along to this alternative Christmas Eve Service. 11.30pm:  Christmas Communion “When the world was dark, and the city was quiet, God crept in beside us”.    This quiet, communion service is in many ways […]

Harvest Service

At the Harvest service on 16th October 2016 there was a very big collection of food for Swansea food bank. Adding to the regular weekly collections to this charity. The windows were decorated to show gifts people have. On the Communion table was bread shaped as a wheat sheaf, salt, water and coal. Window representing […]