In partnership with Unity and Diversity we run a clothing bank and household supplies store for Asylum seekers and refugees from our building. When Covid restrictions allow we hope to extend this to offer friendship and hospitality.
The Church’s Community Worker is assisting us in our links into the community and is always happy to provide assistance with any community request.
Many of our members work with S.A.S.S (Swansea Asylum Seekers Support), helping Asylum seekers settle, providing information and assisting in teaching English. S.A.S,S and Unity and Diversity work closely together.
We also Work with Share Tawe which helps Asylum seekers.
A number of our members contribute to the monthly recordings for the Talking Magazine proving audio material for blind and partially sighted people. Its offices are in our church and are offered free of charge.
We have links with churches in our area and the local mosques.
Some of our members work with local schools through the “Open Book” sessions and by serving on Governing Bodies.
We work with the Community Worker for the area are always ready to respond to requests for assistance.
We make weekly collections for the local food banks,
We work closely with a very large number of charities both local and national. We seek to create awareness and to fund raise, for these and offer regular fund raising events for such as Marie Curie, Macmillan, Hand’s up for Downs, (including providing facilities to enabled Makaton Lessons for Parents and children) Christian Aid. All We Can, Alzheimer’s and the Pettifor Trust animal charity. Our young people have raised awareness and fund raised for Toilet Twinning and Guide Dogs for the Blind.
We have worked with Housing Justice Wales and during the winter we have for many years been one venues used for Homeless people to have a meal and stay the night. We have also undertaken several awareness raising and fund raising sessions for the work of the homeless groups in our city.
When opportunities have arisen we have worked closely with the Health Service, proving facilities for Health Visitors to hold sessions with new parents
Swansea Carers regularly use our premises for different types of therapy sessions for their clients.
We have links with many and varied links with the University.
All our regular Church run activities e.g. the cover to cover, folk dancing, reel to real, Madcaps drama group, Wesley club, coffee mornings, Sunbeams parent and toddler group are open to the community.
We offer room hire for concerts, U3A,