ucsWelcome to Uniting Church Sketty

Worship Sunday mornings is at 10.30am and Evening Prayers at 7pm on Zoom (please message for a link)

Uniting Church Sketty is an open and welcoming church for people from all walks of life who seek to learn more about Jesus Christ.  If you are new to church or if you are looking for a church or if you simply have questions about life, then we think you might find a home with us.  Why?  Because we too are people who have questions, but we have found it better to seek God together than alone. We seek God, but in fact we know deep in our hearts that first God sought us – it’s just that sometimes, somehow, we fail to notice and grasp this.  And so we come to worship on Sundays, desiring more than anything to connect with God and to connect with each other.  There are other opportunities through the week which also offer the chance to connect.

At Uniting Church Sketty we do our best to be an inclusive church. Our Worship and activities, where possible, are accessible via zoom, and are services are usually available on our You tube channel or click on the candle on the this page for recent services. We have a hearing loop in the worship area and meeting room. There is an accessible toilet. Our building is registered for same sex marriage.

If you want to join us on a Sunday or at one of our weekday activities, you will be very welcome.


Dates for your diary!